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So far haveabal has created 104 blog entries.

Have a Ball Foundation 2016 Raffle Results

Congratulations to all the winners of the Have a Ball Foundation 2016 Raffle which was drawn on 30/11/2016. Special thanks to all those who assisted with the selling of raffle tickets, all those who supported the foundation through buying tickets and Jennifer de Vos for coordinating the raffle. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. The winners

Balls reach kids in Sri Lanka

Kids in Sri Lanka have recently received a large supply of sports balls from the Have a Ball Foundation. Special thanks to Aruna Kasturiarchchi for distributing the balls to many kids in need on behalf of the Foundation. Aruna said "I am planning to donate balls to 3 schools and a disadvantage kids school/program run

Lilla Sports & Story Telling Festival 2016

This year the Have a Ball Foundation supported the third annual Lilla Sports and Story Telling Festival from 23 August to 26 August 2016 at Lilla, near Kings Canyon. The Foundation was represented by Garry, Tammy & Josh Hicks who flew up to the remote Aboriginal communities located in the Watarrka region. They were joined

Chatham Primary School

On Tuesday 9th August 2016, the kids from Chatham Primary School in Surrey Hills VIC participated in a fun morning donating sports balls to the Have a Ball Foundation. The kids were extremely generous donating a total of 235 sports balls and over $200 in gold coins. The balls will all be bagged up and

Imanpa Primary School NT receives sports balls

It was wonderful to receive an email from the Principal at Imanpa Primary school in Central Australia. The Imanpa Community is made up of about 100 people and is situated in the dead centre of Australia, 200km from Uluru. There is a total of 15 students at the school which is managed by

CBC Sports Ball Donations

Thank you to all the students, parents and teachers at CBC St.Kilda for their recent sports ball donations. The big variety of sports balls will surely make many kids happy when they are distributed to indigenous kids in need in the coming months. Special thanks to Michael Monagle for organizing the collection.

St Paul’s Primary School – Bentleigh – Bring a Ball day

On Wednesday 1st June 2016, the kids from St Paul's Primary School in Bentleigh VIC braved the freezing Melbourne morning to all bring a ball to donate to the Have a Ball Foundation. The kids were extremely generous once again with a total of 488 sports balls being donated. The balls have been bagged up

St Brendan’s Primary School – Somerville – Bring a Ball day

On Thursday 12th May 2016, the kids from St Brendan's Primary School in Somerville VIC did an amazing job in supporting the foundation on their bring a ball day. It was a super fun morning with the kids who generously donation 590 sports balls to the charity. Considering the size of the school with 275

20,000 Balls reached

This week the Have a ball Foundation received it's 20,000th sports ball donation. It is a great milestone to reach for the charity and we look forward to hitting our next milestone of 50,000 to help kids in need in outback areas of Australia and overseas. Thank you to all those who have donated sports

Basterfield Tennis Club donations

Special thanks to all the members of Basterfield Park Tennis Club in Hampton East VIC for another full bin load of tennis balls which were kindly donated by the members. A full bin load of around 1000 tennis balls were donated which will come in very handy to put with a mixture of

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